Rylee Cassel

3D Game Artist

267-893-8152 | ryleecassel98@gmail.com

DC’s Justice League: Cosmic Chaos
PHL Collective Title: modeled/textured gameplay & mission props, weapons, furniture, food, and misc. objects - all assets are low poly/res for optimized performance (used Unity Engine)

Created: batarang, machines textures, enemy ping, and gate

Created: hotdogs, mustard & ketchup bottles, pastry plate, charcuterie & tofu board, cups, suticase, purse, paper stacks, pot & saucepan, arrows, stanchion, camera crane, director chair, and box light

*Images below do not feature the toon outline that’s shown in the previous images and game*

Personal project: modeled the house, created textures in Photoshop, built and lit the scene in Unreal Engine, and edited trees & grass from Unreal Marketplace (recreation of Ellie & Dina’s house from The Last of Us Part II)

Left: lighting test in Arnold Renderer, Right: Maya viewport with textures

La Colombe
Team project: modeled light fixtures, the “La Colombe” sign, and misc. objects (used Unreal Engine)

Northwest Town
Personal project: modeled/textured all objects, generated foliage, and lit/rendered the scene (used Autodesk Maya)

Banquet Hall
Apprenticeship project: started project using prior artist’s concept art and blocked out scene, modeled/textured all objects (other than cutlery), and lit/rendered the scene (used Autodesk Maya)

Personal project: used reference photos of my bedroom to create accurately modeled/textured objects, and lit/rendered the scene (used Autodesk Maya)

“Art Test” project: created an MMO style forest using toon shaders and my own models (used Unity Engine)

Boiler Room
Personal project: modeled all objects to create a mechanical interior, and lit/rendered the scene (used Autodesk Maya)

Island Diorama
“Art Test” project: created a beach diorama to capture the feel/look of Rocket League’s “Salty Shores” (used Autodesk Maya)

Ramen Bowl
Personal project: modeled/textured all objects and lit/rendered the scene (used Autodesk Maya)

Seasons Series (WIP)
Personal project: modeled/textured all objects and lit/rendered the scene (used Autodesk Maya)

Medieval Village 
Personal project: modeled/textured all objects and lit/rendered the scene, and composited in Adobe Photoshop (used Autodesk Maya)

“Dragon Forest” Game Props
Senior Thesis: modeled/textured game objects, created animations, created inventory and menu screen, and wrote lore/text (used Autodesk Maya, Adobe Photoshop and Premiere)

Nora Village
Personal project: modeled/textured all objects and lit/rendered the scene - recreation of an environment from Horizon Zero Dawn (used Autodesk Maya)

Personal project: modeled/textured all guns, all either real or from existing video games (used Autodesk Maya)

Personal project: modeled/textured all components of the machine, rigged it to create poses and animation - recreation of a creature from Horizon Zero Dawn (used Autodesk Maya)

Spyro Portal
Personal project: modeled/textured portal and objects from the game “Spyro the Dragon,” lit/rendered the scene, and composited in Adobe Photoshop (used Autodesk Maya)

Dragon Nest
Personal project: modeled/textured all objects and lit/rendered the scene (used Autodesk Maya)

About Rylee Cassel

I am a game artist who specializes in 3D modeling.  I create environments, props, vehicles, and characters. I can build game-ready worlds starting from concept art to fully lit and textured scenes.
As an avid video game player and designer, I would love to join a team to make worlds and characters come to life.

University Animation/Game Art Cirriculum
Art Education Website